Author Archives: Alta Loma

4 Ways Depression Lies to You

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, more than seven percent of American adults had a depressive episode in 2017. That comes to more than 17 million people. The World Health Organization says that depression is the number one cause of disability worldwide. Symptoms of depression include loss of interest in things you used […]

4 Common Reasons People are Afraid to Enter Addiction Treatment

It can be hard for someone with a substance use disorder to even admit to having a problem. Addiction is tricky and it deploys all kinds of defense mechanisms to protect itself. Admitting to having a problem is a big step but some people who admit having a problem are still reluctant to enter treatment. […]

Are You Ever Cured of Addiction?

The dominant model of addiction right now is that addiction is a chronic, progressive disease, meaning you will always have it and, unless you get treatment, it will continue to get worse. This puts addiction in the company of conditions like asthma, high blood pressure, and diabetes and, according to the National Institute on Drug […]

Why is Group Therapy So Common in Addiction Treatment?

When many people think about addiction treatment, the first thing they think of is group therapy. Group therapy is a regular session of a small group, usually a dozen or fewer, moderated by a therapist or counsellor. They discuss issues, ask questions, and give each other feedback. Some people are understandably nervous about group therapy […]

5 Common Excuses Not to Get Help for Addiction

5 Common Excuses Not to Get Help for Addiction

It’s hard to get a loved one to accept she has a substance use disorder. People struggling with addiction are ingenious at finding ways to justify and rationalize their behavior. Admitting you have a problem is difficult and accepting that you have to do something about your substance use is a big step. However, even […]