Completing a rehabilitation program is a significant accomplishment in your recovery journey. While you are celebrating, you may also be feeling nervous about the next steps.

Many individuals choose to return to school after rehab to boost their opportunities in the future. However, many have anxiety concerning the pressure that often comes with school and its impact on their sobriety. Learning how to properly manage your recovery while going to school will ultimately help you maintain sobriety for years to come.

Make Use of Resources

When returning to school, numerous resources are available to you that are paid for through your tuition and fees. For example, you can go to a guidance counselor, advisor, or mental health professional on campus to discuss your recovery and make a plan together to ensure your success.

You can also take part in extracurriculars to help you make more sober friends and try new hobbies. Whatever you find is best for you, don’t be afraid to step up and take part in it.

Create a Daily Schedule

There was a reason that you followed a daily schedule in treatment, and it is because having a daily routine has proven to be effective in helping individuals maintain recovery. While sitting down and writing out your schedule may seem tedious, doing so will give you a higher chance of fighting school pressure and preventing relapse.

Have an Outlet

Perhaps most importantly, you need to have an outlet for the stress and frustration that comes your way. You cannot avoid stress because it is a part of life. What matters is how you cope with it.

You can cope by going to meetings, exercising, or having a standing coffee date with a friend to talk about the stress of the week. Whatever works best for you and boosts your recovery is worth doing to relieve stress.

Returning to school following rehab is a significant step in one’s recovery journey. You may be feeling excited, but you also may experience anxiety about the decision. Knowing how to cope with this anxiety and having a plan for your return will help you be successful in school and recovery. At Alta Loma Transformational Services, we work with men of all ages to get back on their feet after treatment. We work one-on-one with clients to ensure they have the tools needed to prevent relapse and boost their recovery while returning to work or school. Learn more today by calling (866) 457-3843.