Homeschooling may be very new to you since you had to keep your kids at home because of the pandemic. It is normal to feel stressed and overwhelmed during the school year since you have not homeschooled your kids before. It is best to create a simple homeschooling routine for you and your kids and not be afraid to lean to others in times of stress.

Change Your Thought Patterns

You may feel overwhelmed with homeschooling your kids if you have never thought of yourself as a teacher. Luckily, there are many forums or social media groups of parents going through the same thing. You can learn from other parents about what their homeschooling schedule is like. Remind yourself that you are homeschooling your children to keep your children safe from contracting COVID-19. Practice gratitude like writing down what you plan on accomplishing today and what you are grateful for. If you feel like the information is not being reached to your kids, change up your teaching style with visual aids or more hands-on learning.

Create a Routine

Plan out a schedule where you can balance your obligations, such as any housework or your job. For example, you may have your kids focus on their assignments while you work. Then, you can finish off the day with a fun activity like going for a walk or playing a game outside. Doing something to get you to chill out after a long day can help you organize your thoughts and relax. You can also plan time blocks where you work on a few subjects during the day and then a couple of more after lunch. Blocks can provide a lot of flexibility with your schedule, which will reduce stress.

Plan Ahead for Rough Days

Remember that when your children are having meltdowns and tantrums to separate yourself from the problem. Their emotions may be stemming from the stress of not seeing their friends or being too overwhelmed with virtual work. Write a list of calming ideas that will help your child, like playing music, taking a walk, or even taking time to text their friends. If you are having a bad day, do not be afraid to text or call your family or friends for support. If your anxiety or depression is getting worse, seek help immediately to learn how to be strong for yourself and your children.

Homeschooling can be a hard adjustment for children and parents as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is important to remember that homeschooling your children does not have to be so bad as long as you make a routine and leave room for fun. At Alta Loma, we understand how stressful homeschooling can be if you do not have experience teaching your children. Luckily, our transformative services can provide you with individualized therapy, family treatment, therapeutic recreational activities, life coping skills education, long-term continuum care, and more. Please give us a call at (866) 457-3843 for more information.