Sharing your personal journey in recovery can be extremely difficult. Your experiences are just that: yours. You never have an obligation to invite others on your journey. However, if you want to share your story with friends and family, make sure that you are prepared mentally and emotionally. Telling friends and family about your addiction may cause feelings of guilt or anxiety to arise, but, when you rely on the tools you developed during treatment, you can accomplish anything.

Support Group

Whether you choose to bring your parent, sponsor, significant other, or closest friend, inviting a trusted member of your recovery support system is a good idea. A familiar face can instill you with the confidence you need to address your addiction with a new person. They are a judgment-free resource and a testament to your progress in recovery. In this situation, rely on your support group to have your back.

Self Reflection

During recovery, you were able to acknowledge your addiction and take steps to treat your mental health. You have a strong sense of self, and you can utilize this tool when sharing your journey with a new person. Check-in with yourself: Are you comfortable with this person?

Are you ready to revisit some of these events in your life? You are always free to change your mind and approach the situation again at a later time. Listening to your inner voice and setting boundaries to ensure your mental and emotional well-being are two important and hard-earned skills that you acquired in recovery.


Your journey in recovery belongs to you; you faced the issues in your life and chose to treat your mental health in order to pursue happiness and wellness. Your recovery is an active and conscious experience in which you worked hard to achieve positive results.

If you express yourself and receive a negative response, you may need assistance from your support group to regain confidence and control of your emotions, or you may find that the opinion of this person hardly matters to you at all. Only you know what you need to keep yourself healthy, and that ownership of your treatment proves your strength.

Alta Loma Transformational Services can assist you in your journey to recovery. Passionate mental health professionals work with you to develop treatment tools that you will take with you beyond the facility. An exclusively male ranch in Texas, Alta Loma offers a peaceful setting in which you can focus fully on achieving wellness. No matter where you are on your journey to recovery, Alta Loma can support you. If you are interested in walking the road to recovery, please call us at (866) 457-3843.