Emotional dysregulation is a behavioral pattern of someone who has a hard time managing powerful emotions. As stated in an article by Cambridge University, “Emotion dysregulation is defined as patterns of emotional experience or expression that interfere with goal-directed activity.” Seeking out treatment for emotional dysregulation opens the door for learning how to control your emotions and manage intense feelings.

Emotional Regulation Vs. Dysregulation

It is normal to have intense emotions and is part of what makes us human. Emotional regulation can keep your feelings in check and ensure you are not doing or saying anything that may be regretted later. The ability to accept the emotions you are feeling and become flexible in the way you respond to them demonstrates emotional maturity. Practicing tolerance when triggered by anger or frustration allows space for each party to express their feelings and work through the issue without incident. When operating from a space of emotional dysregulation, reactions are impulsive and lack a controlled response.

Signs of Emotional Dysregulation

One sign of emotional dysregulation is when your emotions are so overwhelming that you disconnect from them. The same can be said if you cannot accept your feelings. Another sign can be that you partake in self-destructive behaviors so that the people around you know how upset you are. For example, you belittle your partner so that they know just how upset you are at them. Emotional dysregulation often accompanies mental health disorders like bipolar disorder, ADHD, borderline personality disorder, or PTSD.

Treatment for Emotional Dysregulation

The first step toward recovery from emotional dysregulation is finding a viable method of treatment. Treatment centers have therapists on staff who are able to diagnose and treat mental health disorders. Some of the treatment options that your therapist may recommend are cognitive behavioral therapy or dialectical behavioral therapy. No matter what treatment method your therapist recommends for you, the key is to learn how to control your emotions and avoid impulsive action.

Emotional dysregulation is characterized by the inability to manage the intensity and duration of negative emotions. Impulsive and shortsighted reactions to powerful emotions can have detrimental effects on personal and professional relationships. Therapy is a viable option for alleviating symptoms tied to emotional dysregulation. At Alta Loma, we understand the challenges that come with mental illness and we are here to help you. Our transformative treatment center in Georgetown, Texas, provides you with comprehensive care tailored around individualized therapy, life and coping skills education, therapeutic recreational activities, and a long-term continuum of care. Please call us at (866) 457-3843 to learn more.