May 2019

How to Stop Ruminating

2022-02-17T16:25:17-05:00May 14th, 2019|

Rumination is a negative thought pattern where you keep thinking about bad things that happened in the past or bad things that might happen in the future. You might keep thinking about past mistakes, perhaps [...]

Are Addiction and Dependence Different?

2022-02-17T16:25:22-05:00May 13th, 2019|

We often use “addiction” and “dependence” interchangeably to refer to a substance use disorder but they don’t quite mean the same thing. However, they are closely related and there is a large area of overlap. [...]

6 Signs You Might Have an Anxiety Disorder

2022-02-17T16:25:13-05:00May 13th, 2019|

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, more than 18 percent of American adults, or about 40 million people, struggle with an anxiety disorder every year. Anxiety disorders include many conditions, such as [...]

4 Ways Depression and Sadness are Different

2022-02-17T16:25:12-05:00May 12th, 2019|

You often hear people say they’re depressed when they mean they’re sad. You might say you’re depressed after a bad day at work or after arguing with your partner. Sadness is also the primary characteristic [...]

Which Comes First–Addiction or Depression?

2022-02-17T16:25:13-05:00May 10th, 2019|

At least half of people with substance use disorders have a co-occurring mental health issue. Common dual diagnoses include depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, PTSD, ADHD, OCD, personality disorders, autism spectrum disorders, and schizophrenia. For [...]

Is Social Media Bad for Your Mental Health?

2022-02-17T16:25:13-05:00May 9th, 2019|

Sometimes it’s hard to separate the legitimate concerns about social media from the hysteria. For example, there was a mild panic about social media addiction. While it’s true that social media platforms are designed to [...]

2 Challenges for Introverts in Recovery

2022-02-17T16:25:08-05:00May 9th, 2019|

Broadly speaking, an introvert is someone who gets energy from being alone while an extrovert is someone who gets energy from being around others. While no one is completely introverted or extroverted, the extroverts do [...]

Is it Bad to Dream About Relapse?

2022-02-17T16:25:12-05:00May 8th, 2019|

Many people recovering from drug or alcohol addiction have had a similar kind of dream. In the dream, they drink or use drugs, immediately feel remorse or disbelief, then wake up and feel relieved it [...]

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