It’s become an incredibly popular practice throughout the United States; last year, CNBC reported that 14.2% of Americans had meditated within the previous year. Apps like Headspace and Calm have promoted meditation by providing an open space for individuals to learn more about meditation and to engage in a variety of self-discovery strategies for growth and healing; Megan Jones Bell, the Chief Science Officer of Headspace, stated, “Something really special is happening with our culture at a time when we need it most. At a time when mental health problems are on the rise, something that improves focus and compassion is certainly something the world needs more of.”

According to the EOC Institute, meditation conquers addiction by directly activating the prefrontal cortex – an area of the brain that becomes incredibly stimulated when a person becomes intoxicated. Meditation essentially “supercharges” the brain with endorphins, which can help those in recovery feel happier and more balanced. If you’re looking to incorporate some meditation exercises into your daily routine, consider these three:

  1.     Loving-kindness meditation: While sitting in a comfortable position, breathe deeply in through the nose and out through the mouth while first imagining love from within extending out to someone important to you. From there you can extend it to a friend, a neighbor, a stranger, and then to the entire world.
  2.     Progressive relaxation: As you’re sitting comfortably and breathing, begin at the feet and focus on tightening your feet and then relaxing them. Move to your calves, and then your knees, and up through the rest of your body, tightening and relaxing as you breathe.
  3.     Mindfulness meditation: Wherever you’re at, take a few moments to take notice of your surroundings. Recognize the smells, colors, and sensations that you’re currently experiencing. This will help ground you to the present moment.

If you’re ready to incorporate meditation as well as other effective interventions for addiction recovery into your life, speak with a professional from Alta Loma today.

If you’re ready to begin taking great strides towards your health and wellbeing, speak with a professional from Alta Loma today. Mental illness should be taken seriously and, if not treated early on, more severe conditions can arise. The best way to promote happiness and health is to seek help – and to begin using effective interventions for treating the problematic symptoms a person is experiencing. Don’t wait any longer to seek the help you need. Please call Alta Loma today – and you’ll be surrounded by a healthcare team who truly cares about your recovery. 866-457-3843