Recovery can be incredibly difficult to navigate at times. It’s particularly scary at the very beginning when you don’t know what to expect. Seeking treatment is a major change – and starting recovery can be nerve-racking, because we all crave what we’ve been used to. It’s also not uncommon for those in early recovery to “mourn” their addiction. After all, it’s been with you for a long time.

No one wants to feel like they’ll fail at recovery, but there are universal fears that often arise – and these thoughts can become all-consuming if you don’t address them early on. It’s important to know that you are not alone. Many people before you have felt the exact same concerns and fought their way through them. Fear of failure is normal, but it should never stop you from reaching your goals.

Common Fears and How to Fight Them

Some people in recovery have fears of not being accepted by others. Some worry about not knowing what they’re supposed to do with the rest of their life. Many fear relapsing.

When these fears occur before recovery, it can perpetuate that feeling of wanting to use substances again or make you want to drop out of treatment altogether. Don’t let that happen. You entered recovery for a reason and the circle of support around you is there to see you through.

Quiet time at night – when you are all alone with yourself and your thoughts – can be particularly challenging for people in recovery. Some common fears that may come to your mind are:

  • What if I can’t stand withdrawal or the feeling of being sick?
  • What if I don’t get along with people in my program?
  • What if I’ll never enjoy my life after substances?
  • What if I relapse and fail at recovery?

There are so many doubts that are reasonable at the early stages of recovery. Yes, there may be moments when you take a few steps back – but those can be learning experiences. No, you may not make friends right away – but the best friendships take time.

Between support groups and other treatment services, you’ll be well-supported and your fears will begin to subside before you know it.

We Can Help

If you’re ready to seek help, speak with a professional from Alta Loma today.

You understand your needs best. If you have found yourself at a crossroads, contact the specialists at Alta Loma. We will help you craft the ideal care plan and secure the support you need to begin your recovery. At Alta Loma, our mission is to provide each individual with optimum care for the well-being they deserve. Leave fear behind and call us today at (866) 457-3843.