Any time friends, colleagues, or people in your friend group put pressure on you to do something, that is called peer pressure. Most of it is considered negative, high-risk behavior that might cause harm to yourself or others. This may include reckless driving, smoking, drinking, or using drugs. Teenagers are most prone to peer pressure, but it may continue into adulthood for some people. Learn some tips on how to deal with peer pressure in a positive way and stay sober.

Stand Up for Something

Whatever the issue you have revolves around, stand by it. Ask yourself if you want to do what the friends, peers, or coworkers are doing. If you take a stand on an issue, make sure it is, first of all, legal, and second of all, what you really want. Nobody else should pressure you into it.

Tell Others Your Position

Once you decide where you stand, tell the people in your life. Tell them what you will do and will not do. Explain why you are doing it without justifying the reasons. Answer their questions but don’t feel obligated to tell them all the reasons why you believe the way you do. Your position is yours alone. Just be firm and confident. If they try to push you into a certain role or position, don’t let them. Stand strong on your position.

Get Support

The most difficult part of standing up to peer pressure is feeling isolated and alone. If you don’t hang out with people who believe in your position or decisions, you may find you are on an island. Nobody wants to be with people who stir up trouble for them. Much like recovery, don’t let others try get you doing what you don’t want to do, or compromises recovery in any way. Look for peers who will continue to support you and focus on your growth and healing.

Find Treatment

Many people who succumb to peer pressure can struggle with addiction, drinking, and the use of substances. If you are someone who gives in to peer pressure, it can drive your personal life down a negative road. It can be shaming and blaming to feel like other’s opinions and beliefs rule your life. To get help, seek treatment. Seek therapy, addiction treatment, and mental health support in order to find the best help available for substance use.

Don’t Give Up

Sometimes peer pressure can make you feel less confident or play with your emotions. Don’t let others push you into doing what you don’t want to do. Focus on yourself. If you find using substances help cope with stress and anxiety of peer pressure, it might be time to seek help. The most difficult thing to do is deal with peer pressure in a positive way. Stay focused on personal goals and what you want out of life. Getting to a point where peer pressure doesn’t bother you can be helpful but it takes persistence to focus on your goals. If you know what you want and can hold fast ot that with help from others, you can achieve what you want.

Alta Loma provides a safe space to be vulnerable and talk about the challenges of addiction and mental health. Peer pressure can be difficult to deal with alone. We are here to support your journey of healing: 866-457-3843.