Receiving a mental health diagnosis can prompt an influx of emotions in the aftermath. For some, receiving the diagnosis will result in a sense of relief as they finally have a name for the symptoms they have been experiencing. For others, receiving the diagnosis can result in feelings of shame, embarrassment, denial, anger, or hopelessness. It is normal to experience different emotions during this time, but how you cope with it makes all the difference. Here are some healthy ways to cope with a mental health diagnosis.

Take Time to Process the Information

It is understandable to jump to the worst possible conclusion or begin experiencing negative emotions such as shame or denial after receiving a mental health diagnosis. However, giving yourself the time to process the new information can help you cope in healthier ways. It will allow you to take in what this means for your future, remind you that there is hope, and hopefully serve as a transformational period. Give yourself time before reacting.

Educate Yourself

It is normal to fear the unknown. Educating yourself is an excellent way to combat this fear. Researching your particular disorder, including symptoms, causes, treatments, and more can give you a good idea of what to expect and boost the healing process. You know what you are experiencing, but educating yourself can provide specific terms to describe it, helping your treatment team and yourself make an informed treatment decision.

Lean On Others For Support

It is no secret that there is an extensive stigma surrounding mental illness. This stigma may cause you to want to isolate yourself in the wake of your diagnosis, but this can hinder the healing process. Leaning on someone you love and trust for support can make all the difference in your recovery. Discuss how you are feeling, be honest, and if you want advice, ask for it. Those that care about you will want you to be your best self, and they will provide the support needed to help you get there.

Discuss Treatment Options

If you are ready to seek treatment for your diagnosis, researching and discussing treatment options with a loved one or professional can be a natural next step. Discussing what you can afford, what methods you believe will work best, and more will provide you with some structure going forward. From here, you can begin taking concrete steps towards managing your mental health disorder and healing.

Receiving a mental health diagnosis can be a time of relief, confusion, anger, denial, or sadness. It is normal to experience these emotions and more in the wake of a new era of your life. However, healthy coping mechanisms following the diagnosis are what will ultimately help you in the long run. If you are struggling with a current diagnosis or in need of one, contact Alta Loma Transformational Services. We provide truly comprehensive care for men struggling with chronic psychiatric conditions and co-occurring disorders. To find healing today, call us at (866) 457-3843.