There are millions of people across the world who have battled with mental health problems or substance abuse and there are just as many, if not more, who’ve also endured trauma. For some people, that could involve a car accident while for others, it could have involved growing up with an ill, abusive, or neglectful family member. Trauma may look different for each person, but the effects that trauma can have on an individual are somewhat universal.

If you’ve gone through a traumatic situation or you know of someone who has, take a minute to consider how those situations have affected that person’s life. Did they lose a family member? Did they witness something devastating or feel violated? Even after a traumatic event is over, a person can still be affected for years to come. We may think that we’re over a situation, only to discover that there are deep wounds that feel open as life continues down its path. Unfortunately, some people are already battling mental health issues or addiction by the time they’ve learned that their mind, body, and spirit are still aching from traumatic experiences of the past. This doesn’t mean that recovery isn’t possible, however.

Treatment for trauma and substance abuse begins the minute a person reaches out for help. Whereas mental health problems or substance abuse can bring chaos, recovery programs can bring deep connection and healing. When we are in a recovery program, we are no longer suffering silently and alone. We encounter many others who’ve gone through similar experiences, and it’s still possible to move forward in life. Treatment can include a variety of options, including individual and group therapy, 12-Step programs, and provides structure in our daily lives.

If you’ve been struggling with mental health or addiction, don’t wait any longer to seek the help you need. Recovery is right around the corner and you can seek this by calling a professional from Alta Loma to get started. Alta Loma is a world-renowned, Texas state-licensed mental health and substance abuse recovery center exclusively for men with ranch style housing located in a peaceful, remote area. If you are ready to seek treatment to develop the tools you need to overcome life’s obstacles and be on the road towards happiness, health, and well-being, call us today at (866) 457-3843 for a consultation.