August 2021

Recovering Without Family Support

2022-02-17T16:33:57-05:00August 4th, 2021|

Addiction is often called a “family disease” because it affects not only the person struggling but those closest to them as well. Unfortunately, because of the pain addiction often causes, many family members may choose [...]

How PTSD Affects Men

2022-02-17T16:33:56-05:00August 3rd, 2021|

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects individuals in various ways depending on what happened to them and how they process the trauma. However, there are differences between PTSD in men and women that can make navigating [...]

Why Rest Is a Productive Activity

2022-02-17T16:33:56-05:00August 2nd, 2021|

American culture has placed a significant emphasis on the importance of working hard. Many individuals work Monday through Friday, eight hours a day, with little to no breaks. The weekend may seem like a break, [...]

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