MTV is known for reality shows made for entertainment purposes like “Jersey Shore” and “16 and Pregnant.” February 16th was the premiere of MTV’s new documentary movie “Each and Every Day” about high school students who have thought about ending their life and how to move forward. Documentary films like “Each and Every Day” can help spread awareness about suicide and the importance of getting your mental health in check.

The Intentions of “Each and Every Day”

The National Institute of Mental Health says that suicide is the second leading cause of death of people between the ages of 10-34. Filmmaker Alexandra Shiva wanted to make a film that focused on the prevention of suicide in young people. She wanted young viewers to understand what was going on with themselves through their vulnerability and storytelling of other people. Shiva also wanted these kids to be those who attempted suicide or come close to attempting that have decided to heal themselves. No matter how painful the story would be, they were stories these kids needed to tell.

How “Each and Every Day” was Made

“Each and Every Day” centers on a dialogue of young people who share their experiences through video-chat programs as a result of the pandemic. We see iPhone and home interviews, text bubbles, voiceovers, and pictures of their upbringing to get a good idea of what each individual’s life is like. Shiva made sure to pick kids that felt they were in a safe enough space to talk about this publicly and on-air. She also wanted to pick kids that had diverse experiences since everyone has different stories, such as mental health challenges with gender identity, sexuality, racism, and inequality.

Hopes for “Each and Every Day”

Shiva hopes that parents and teenagers watch “Each and Every Day” together or separately. She also would like schools to show it to start a dialogue around mental health. That way, if someone in school is looking distressed, another student or staff member will not be afraid to ask them what is wrong. Shiva said that all of the participants are in a good place and do not have any regrets about sharing their stories. MTV’s documentary film “Each and Every Day” will provide viewers with the message that it is okay to talk about suicide and that talking about it is the first step towards recovery.

MTV’s new documentary film “Each and Every Day” helps open up a dialogue about teen suicide. Students share their stories about suicidal thoughts and what they did to get help. Documentaries like this will inspire the courage to speak more about these taboo subjects as more lives can be saved this way. At Alta Loma, we understand how scary it feels to have suicidal thoughts. Luckily, we have the tools in our transformative treatment center to help you on your journeys, such as individualized therapy, therapeutic recreational activities, medication management, and much more. Please call (866) 457-3843 to learn more.