A few years ago, an article was published on The Conversation, a website that explores various topics as it relates to arts and culture, economy and business, health and medicine, and more; it was explained that recovery from trauma is different for everyone, because each person goes through their own battles and successes. In a similar manner, so does addiction recovery – while the goal of abstinence remains the same, the route through this will look different depending on the person. Dr. Mary Ellen Copeland, an author and person in recovery from mental illness, explains, “…Those of us who have experienced [mental illness] symptoms are sharing information and learning from each other that these symptoms don’t have to mean that we must give up on our dreams and goals, and that they don’t have to go on forever.”

There’s a basis of hope for many people in recovery – especially those who are determined to make some truly positive changes in their lives. If recovery we were a metaphor, we could look at it as writing your own book:
  •    Who are the main characters?
  •    What are the plot twists that arise?
  •    What does the main character overcome on their way through?
  •    What key lessons are learned?

In the past, studies have been done which have sought to assess the metaphors people have used to describe their own journey to recovery. Some have related it to a winding path, while others have associated it with climbing a mountain. Perhaps the most important component of recovery isn’t trying to define one’s recovery the same as everyone else’s, but to explore what their own journey means to them.

If you’re ready to begin your own healing journey to recovery, speak with a professional from Alta Loma today.

If you’re ready to begin taking great strides towards your health and wellbeing, speak with a professional from Alta Loma today. Mental illness should be taken seriously and, if not treated early on, more severe conditions can arise. The best way to promote happiness and health is to seek help – and to begin using effective interventions for treating the problematic symptoms a person is experiencing. Don’t wait any longer to seek the help you need. Please call Alta Loma today – and you’ll be surrounded by a healthcare team who truly cares about your recovery. 866-457-3843