Even as adults, we don’t always know how to handle situations that could be detrimental to our health and well-being. We make mistakes, bad choices, and don’t always use our judgment. If we’re not careful with some things, it could only make matters worse. Loved ones may be reaching out to us, explaining the symptoms they’ve been noticing – and it’s up to us to listen to what they have to say.

For those with co-occurring disorders, it’s quite possible to feel like what you’re going through is simply your “reality” – this is just how your life’s going to be, and there’s really no type of treatment or medication needed. Believe it or not, co-occurring disorders are real – and if we fail to recognize the truth behind what we’re going through, we may be putting ourselves through a lot more distress than we need to.

Exploring Co-Occurring Disorders

A co-occurring disorder is when a person has both a substance use disorder (SUD) and a mental illness simultaneously. People with co-occurring disorders are more likely to experience issues with their physical health, safety, and life skills. Success in treatment can also be tougher with so many different factors at play.

Co-occurring disorders can already make daily life challenging, but not seeking treatment often means that one disorder will exacerbate symptoms of the other. A clear example of this is alcoholism and depression – if a person with both conditions doesn’t seek help, one condition can fuel the other and lead to extreme health concerns. Their depression may cause them to feel hopeless, anxious, and angry, and insomnia may even settle in.

So they may rely on alcohol to numb their depression, only to find that they’re unable to think more clearly and experience an even deeper depression as time goes on.

This dangerous combination of both alcoholism and depression can lead to a number of increased dangers, including:

  • Hurting themselves
  • Hurting others
  • Making risky decisions
  • Taking criminal actions
Don’t Ignore the Signs

While all of this is happening, the person’s friends and family may recognize the warning signs of trouble, whether it’s withdrawal from social activities, lack of hygiene, sleep problems, uncontrollable emotions, or something else. Make every attempt to seek help for your loved one – if these conditions are not treated, the risks for danger are heightened even further.

If you need help for yourself or a loved one, speak with a professional at Alta Loma today.

Nearly half of all residents seeking treatment for addiction also have co-occurring psychiatric concerns that too often aren’t properly addressed. If they end up at a recovery center that doesn’t address their mental health, their chances of success are dramatically lower. At Alta Loma, we specialize in treating co-occurring disorders, ensuring that our residents receive the comprehensive care they deserve. Call us today at (866) 457-3843.