Support is an essential component of addiction recovery. During the COVID-19 pandemic, it may be hard to visit your support system when you are in quarantine. Luckily, there is an app called SoberBuddy that will give you a virtual companion to offer you the resources you need to have a successful recovery.

What is SoberBuddy?

SoberBuddy is an evidence-based virtual drug and recovery coach. Each stage of recovery is covered in this app in a fun and easy way designed to minimize fear or shame. Another benefit is that you won’t have to worry about contracting COVID-19 during your recovery.

Because a companion can be an essential ally during recovery, Buddy was a bot created to help you through this. This app is designed to help you in any stage of recovery, whether you are just starting out or have been sober for years. SoberBuddy’s approach uses cognitive behavioral therapy since it was found to be effective in clinical studies.

What is Featured in SoberBuddy?

The first step in SoberBuddy is SoberBuddy mail. This is a free daily email service that includes a small challenge to stay motivated, learn skills, and prevent relapse. When you chat with SoberBuddy, you can receive tips, motivational messages, and recovery challenges. SoberBuddy can also connect you with a community that is on the same journey and rooting for you to succeed.

SoberBuddy will check on you every day to see how you are feeling and how your sobriety is going. Your SoberBuddy then offers encouragement and empathy based on your mood. The app will keep track of everything, including current challenges, the lists you have created, and your time sober.

How is SoberBuddy Used on Social Media?

You can follow SoberBuddy on Facebook to talk about what you have been through, ask questions, and get more inspiration from the SoberBuddy team. You can also follow SoberBuddy on Instagram for inspirational stories, recovery quotes, and tricks. No one should be alone in their recovery, even if they have to live in isolation. You can download SoberBuddy in the Appstore to bring a virtual companion with you through this journey.

Building connections is essential during addiction recovery. At Alta Loma, you can learn all about reaching out to people. You will also receive the tools you need, including individualized therapy, CBT, DBT, 12 Step support, employment, and volunteer opportunities, and more. For more information, please call us at (866) 457-3843.