December 2020

Take Up a Distraction

2022-02-17T16:31:24-05:00December 16th, 2020|

Life can be overwhelming, making it harder to make healthy decisions. Oftentimes, mental health issues are hard to manage when you’re under a lot of stress. When life gets a little out of control it’s [...]

Hope Is Fundamental for Recovery

2022-02-17T16:31:23-05:00December 14th, 2020|

Addiction recovery is a continuous battle on a long journey. You will have times of great success where you feel like you’re on top of the world and you will also have times of great [...]

The Journey to the Right Medication

2022-02-17T16:31:23-05:00December 13th, 2020|

It can be hard to find the right medical treatment for a recovering addict who is also struggling with other mental illnesses like depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), or schizophrenia. People want medications that will [...]

Destigmatizing Crying in Recovery

2022-02-17T16:31:22-05:00December 11th, 2020|

There is a lot of anti-crying stigma in American culture, especially when it comes to men. This is partly because crying is seen as “unmanly” and partly because people often don’t know how to handle [...]

Staying Sober During the Holidays

2022-02-17T16:31:22-05:00December 10th, 2020|

The holidays are finally here! Whether you’ve been waiting in excitement or you’ve been quietly dreading them, you cannot stop the holiday season from arriving. The holiday season is a time of year filled with [...]

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