Category Archives: Alcoholism

Men’s Addiction Treatment in Austin, TX

Man with Mental Health Issues
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Can Addiction Cause Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar Disorder and Addiction

Having a co-occurring mental health disorder alongside addiction has its own set of unique challenges. Many often wonder if addiction can cause mental illness or vice versa, but the truth is that they both feed off each other, making each other worse over time if treatment is not sought out.  Bipolar disorder is a mental […]

What Does Science Tell Us About the Link Between Alcohol and Cancer?

Alcohol can have deadly effects on the body that can be irreversible if a person doesn’t seek treatment. Alcohol is said to be responsible for one in 20 deaths around the world. A new study published in the journal Lancet Oncology titled “Global Burden of Cancer in 2020 Attributable to Alcohol Consumption: A Population-Based Study” […]

How Do You Respond If Someone Asks “Why Don’t You Drink?”


When you are at the beginning of recovery, it is best to stay away from social situations where people are drinking. When attending social events, whether they are work-related or personal, you likely will be offered a drink or asked why you are not partaking. There are several practical reasons you can use to explain […]

Signs of a Functioning Alcoholic

The term “functioning alcoholic” is common, with individuals inside and outside of the addiction recovery sphere hearing it at least once in their lives. However, noticing signs of functioning alcoholism within yourself can be more challenging. Because the typical functioning alcoholic still maintains their daily tasks and responsibilities while excessively drinking, they may believe they […]

How‌ ‌Alcohol‌ ‌Impacts‌ ‌Depression‌

It is common knowledge that alcohol is a downer, causing you to have less energy and decreased moods. However, individuals still turn to alcohol to self-medicate symptoms of depression. Doing this can worsen symptoms of depression, causing a severe negative impact on one’s mental state. By understanding the effect of alcohol on depression, you can […]

When Too Much Alcohol is Never Enough

Have you found yourself drinking more than you mean to on a regular basis because the usual amount you consume is never enough? What happens when you begin drinking what would be considered “too much,” and that still isn’t enough? It can be easy to overlook your drinking habits and live in denial of having […]

Genetics Behind Substance Use Disorders


There are several reasons that a person may develop an addiction. These are often related to mental health disorders, trauma, environmental circumstances, and social circumstances. However, genetics can also play a significant role in one’s risk of developing an addiction. By understanding the role that genetics play in addiction, you can begin taking proper precautions […]

What Do You Do If You are Worried About Drinking Too Much Alcohol?

are you drinking too much

Many people who are not alcoholics end up feeling better when they stop buying alcoholic beverages every time they go out with their friends. Then there are those struggling with alcoholism who don’t believe that not drinking is always an option. By looking back at your drinking habits, you will know whether you are drinking […]