Tag Archives: Relationships

How to Choose the Right Schizophrenia Long-Term Care Facility for a Loved One

Schizophrenia Long-Term Care Facility

Choosing the right schizophrenia long-term care facility for a loved one is a significant decision that requires thorough research and careful consideration. It’s not just about finding a place—it’s about ensuring the best possible quality of life for someone you care about. This guide will walk you through the steps to make an informed choice. […]

The Role of Family and Community in Schizophrenia Facilities

Schizophrenia Facilities

Schizophrenia Facilities are pivotal in addressing the multifaceted needs of individuals grappling with this complex mental health disorder. Schizophrenia Facilities provide specialized care and treatment plans tailored to the unique requirements of each patient, offering a range of services, including medication management, therapy, and vocational training. The involvement of Schizophrenia Facilities is crucial in the […]

How Do I Help Someone With Bipolar Disorder?

Happy biracial couple after her fiancé sought treatment at Alta Loma
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How Do You Respond If Someone Asks “Why Don’t You Drink?”


When you are at the beginning of recovery, it is best to stay away from social situations where people are drinking. When attending social events, whether they are work-related or personal, you likely will be offered a drink or asked why you are not partaking. There are several practical reasons you can use to explain […]

How to Approach Someone Who Has Hurt You

When someone you care about does something that hurts you, approaching a conversation with them can be awkward and challenging to navigate. Because of your relationship with the person, you want to approach the subject with delicacy if you wish to preserve the relationship. However, it is crucial to understand that what you allow from […]

How to Overcome Trust Issues

Individuals that have struggled with addiction often have a difficult time trusting themselves and others. These trust issues can lead to further problems in recovery, which is why it is crucial to learn how to overcome them. Doing so can be hard to do, but you can discover ways to begin the process over time. […]

What Is the Relationship Between Dishonesty and Borderline Personality Disorder?

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How Can You Support a Newly Sober Loved One?

When someone you love is trying to maintain their sobriety, it can be a delicate situation. You most likely want to be supportive and ensure you don’t do anything that can jeopardize their sobriety. So, what are some ways you can make things easier for someone newly sober? The path to sobriety may not be […]

Can Saying “You Need Help” Hurt Someone With Mental Illness?

If a friend told you “you need help,” how do you think you would react? Would you be touched someone cared — or would you be offended? Defensive? Deny, you have a problem? Sometimes the best of intentions can have unintended consequences.   Being told that you need help may be interpreted as “there is […]

The Difference Between Setting Boundaries and Defining Expectations

In recovery, you learn the importance of setting boundaries to protect your mental and emotional health. Being successful in recovery requires healthy boundaries and learning how to uphold them. However, some individuals confuse boundaries with expectations, causing more hurt in their life than necessary. By defining the differences and learning their importance, you can live […]