Having symptoms of anxiety is unpleasant and can affect your day-to-day activities. When you experience anxiety, you may have physical, emotional, and behavioral symptoms that interfere with your responsibilities. While anxiety is a normal human reaction and experience, ongoing symptoms can indicate an anxiety disorder. Having an anxiety disorder shouldn’t worry you, as treatment is available to help manage your symptoms. Knowing when symptoms have crossed the line from normal to disorder can help you get the treatment you need to get back to daily life.

“Normal” Anxiety Can Actually Help You

Anxiety is a normal human experience that can be expected in times of stress, dangerous situations, or significant moments in your life. Responding to situations with anxiety actually protects you by alerting you to a dangerous or significant situation that shouldn’t be taken lightly or even motivate you to work harder. For example, if you have a big game coming up, the anxiety you feel can push you to practice more to be more prepared. It is when anxiety is persistent and seems to come out of nowhere that it becomes a problem.

Indications of an Anxiety Disorder

While anxiety can be normal and even beneficial for some people, it can present as a problem for others. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is characterized by chronic, irrational anxiety that interferes with everyday life. It can cause a person to have persistent irrational and worrisome thoughts, numerous physical symptoms, and behavioral changes. People with GAD often have constant anxious thoughts for six months and more. If you have experienced this, it is recommended to talk to your doctor to find out about treatment sooner before the symptoms worsen or become unmanageable. Seeking help can help you get the treatment you need and return you to your normal responsibilities and daily life.

Anxiety can be a normal part of life as long as it has specific causes and does not interfere with your daily responsibilities and overall sense of wellbeing. Chronic anxiety that does not seem to have a particular cause can be concerning, and it is recommended to discuss your symptoms with your doctor. At Alta Loma Transformational Services, we pride ourselves on providing individualized, comprehensive care to give our clients the best chance at recovery. If you or someone you know is struggling with anxiety, contact us today to begin the recovery journey. Call us today at (866) 457-3843.