Navigating a loved one’s borderline personality disorder (BPD) diagnosis can be challenging at first. As you become accustomed to what it means, what to expect, and how to support them, you may hit a couple of bumps in the road. The best way to minimize the number of obstacles is to educate yourself and learn how to support your loved one properly. Over time, you can help them along their treatment journey and help protect your mental health while doing so.

Educate Yourself on BPD

There is a significant stigma surrounding BPD, so it is crucial to educate yourself on the topic to ensure you are clearing any misconceptions in your mind. Research will aid you in learning about the disorder, its symptoms, causes, treatment, and more, allowing you to gain a clearer perspective. An excellent and reliable resource to use is the National Institute of Mental Health.

Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries may be challenging at first because you may feel rude doing so. However, boundaries are necessary to provide structure and protect your mental health as you support your loved one. Choose boundaries that are realistic and that you can uphold, as this will help the relationship between you and your loved one.

Provide Validation

Individuals with BPD often struggle with feelings of insecurity and intense emotions. Because of these, you may be tempted to shrug them off as irrational or avoid them because these behaviors can be overwhelming. However, the best way to support your loved one is to validate their feelings. Validation is commonly used in treatment because it allows the person to feel heard, understood, and care for.

Take Time For Yourself

It can be tempting to focus all of your energy on helping your loved one. However, it is vital to understand that constant support can take a toll on your mental health. Taking time for yourself to practice self-care or even go to therapy can keep your mind happy and healthy. Over time, you will learn how to balance time for yourself and supporting your loved one. Stick it out even when things get complicated.

Supporting a loved one with borderline personality disorder (BPD) can be challenging and overwhelming at times. Being prepared can help you learn to balance their mental health with yours. If you need guidance concerning support for your loved one, Alta Loma Transformational Services is here to help. We understand that the family plays a vital role in a person’s recovery, so we provide educational programs and workshops to help members become happy, healthy supporters of their loved ones. To learn more about our Texas-based facility, contact us anytime at (866) 457-3843.