Addiction affects people’s lives in various ways, including altering their brain’s reward system and changing the way they behave. You’ll often find that those struggling with addiction may not want to take responsibility for their actions in addiction and often deflect the blame onto external circumstances and other individuals. However, recovery is about learning to be accountable for your actions and learning from your mistakes. Without accountability, you cannot expect to realize when you are wrong and therefore know how to correct the situation; this is why accountability is crucial to healing from addiction.

The Role of Accountability in Recovery

When it comes to the recovery process, accountability takes on a more specific meaning than its general definition. While accountability can refer to taking responsibility for one’s actions, in recovery, it can also refer to breaking the behavioral patterns that led you to addiction. Accountability helps keep you focused on recovery by making responsible decisions to stay on track and not jeopardize your recovery.

Consequences of Being Unaccountable

When you have been used to living your life in a certain way, changing your behavior can be difficult, especially in recovery. Recovery takes a lot of willpower, focus, and determination to get through. There may be times where you will be tempted to skip a meeting, wallow in self-pity, or even turn back to drugs and alcohol. Avoiding accountability in recovery can lead you back to unhealthy habits and behaviors that can put your sobriety at risk.

How to Practice Accountability in Recovery

There are various ways to practice being accountable in addiction recovery. The more you practice, the more naturally this skill will come to you. Try these practices to boost your accountability:

  • Asking questions when treatment isn’t sticking
  • Reaching out when you are struggling
  • Attending all meetings, group therapy, individual therapy, and other appointments
  • Keeping up with your schedule
  • Setting and achieving goals
  • Following through on commitments made to yourself and others
  • Using your coping mechanisms to help on bad days in recovery
  • Building your support network to lean on when you are struggling

At Alta Loma Transformational Living, you will meet knowledgeable, compassionate professionals that understand addiction in all its forms. Alta Loma uses an integrative and holistic approach to treat addiction and mental health issues. No treatment is one-size-fits-all, where you will have a team of experts prepared to create your customized treatment plan. We offer care for your mind, body, and spirit, so that you can heal from the inside out and look forward to a lifetime of sobriety and wellness. If you are ready to take the first step in your recovery, please call us at 866-457-3843.