Psychosis is often identified as a break from reality. Several factors can contribute to psychosis which includes genetics, trauma, substance use, physical illness, or mental health conditions.  When armed with the knowledge to detect symptoms of psychosis, the prospect of diagnosis and subsequent treatment is made easier.

Visual Hallucinations

Types of visual hallucinations (VH) are grouped into simple or complex. Simple VH may present as multicolored lights, flares, or geometric shapes. These hallucinations can be constant and come with their own personal triggers. Complex VH is often characterized by more clear images or scenes such as animals or people. When experiencing hallucinations, your brain creates images that are indistinguishable from reality.

Auditory Hallucinations

Some people may hear a single voice, multiple voices, or random noises. When hearing voices,
“they” could either be talking directly to you or about you. Imagine hearing the television playing in another room of the house. You can hear the sound but may be unsure of what is being said. Signs that these symptoms are linked to psychosis include an emotional response, the frequency that experiences take place, and the complexity of language being heard.

Complete Episodes

Complete episodes of psychosis are when symptoms take over. They can last from minutes to days. You are aware that there is something wrong, but you feel you cannot do anything about it or get out of it. It can be a very confusing and intense experience having your reality altered with no idea how to come back from it.

How to Treat Psychosis

If you are showing early signs of psychosis such as erratic emotions, paranoia, trouble concentrating, it may be time to seek help from a medical professional. Psychosis can be treated through a regimen of psychotherapy, family support, case management, peer support, and medication management. Medication can have a substantial effect on reducing symptoms and help minimize their impact. Taking the time to speak with a therapist about symptoms can make diagnosis and treatment possible.

Psychosis is a mental health symptom that is characterized by delusions and/or hallucinations. These hallucinations or delusions disrupt your thoughts and perceptions, making it difficult to recognize what is real and what is imagined. Fortunately, there is help available to alleviate these symptoms. At Alta Loma, we provide mental health care for psychiatric concerns and co-occurring substance use disorders. Our transformative treatment center in Georgetown, Texas, provides individualized therapy, medication management, life, and coping skills education to help residents achieve psychological stability and elicit hope for a positive change. Please give us a call at (866) 457-3843 for more information.