Drug addiction can be a hard habit to kick, and recovery is rarely a simple, straightforward process. Randy Kemp used to struggle with drug addiction over twenty years ago. After sticking with addiction recovery, Randy Kemp turned his life around by reuniting with the son he gave up for adoption when he was just a baby.

What was Randy Kemp’s Drug Addiction Like?

Before Randy Kemp got clean, he was using a gram of cocaine and drinking a 12-pack of beer every day. While Kemp was in prison, he found out that his then-girlfriend was pregnant with his son, Noah. By the time Kemp was released, his son was six months old. He and his girlfriend put Noah up for adoption, recognizing that they were unfit for parenting at the time.

Since Kemp was ordered to find a home, job, and rehabilitate himself in 90 days, he knew he could not properly raise a child. Adoption was in the best interest of his son. Kemp posted his story of addiction recovery on Twitter in hopes of inspiring others.

Did Randy Kemp Ever Meet His Son?

Kemp and his son, who is now 20 years old, met up on June 14th after Randy found Noah on social media. He was surprised to discover that they only lived 90 minutes apart. Kemp was able to talk to his son about his struggle with drug addiction and his prison stint.

The two discovered that they had a lot of interests in common, like their love of football, baseball, and music. They even shared the same sense of humor! Kemp said that he used to live his life in fear of the future while regretting his past. Now, he can be a better person and live one day at a time in the present moment.

What is Randy Kemp Doing Now?

Kemp is currently rebuilding his life by attending recovery meetings, looking after his health, and helping others. Kemp was glad he could get this second chance with the only child he has ever had. With all of the overwhelming responses he received on Twitter, he hopes his story will inspire others to go on the same journey. Randy Kemp became a better person because of his addiction recovery, and his son got to see that.

If addiction recovery gave Randy Kemp a second chance at a good life, there is hope for you too here at Alta Loma. This transformative living facility can help you overcome your addiction through individualized therapy, recreational activities, nutritional classes, life skills courses, mindfulness, the 12 steps, and more during your stay. For more information, please call us at (866) 457-3843.