Researchers have discovered that rude emails can impact your mental well-being. Because of COVID-19 work restrictions, increased digital communication is leading to work rudeness. It is time to take email incivility seriously to ensure that everyone in the company is mentally fit to get the job done.

Types of Email Rudeness

Active email rudeness is an email from an angry client who is not afraid to show off their anger, frequently stated in caps lock. Passive email rudeness could include not replying to an email for days or not acknowledging part of an email. This can leave you wondering if this person is ignoring you or just really busy. Even if you are not trying to be rude through email, the effects can be devastating to the recipient if you are not careful. If you have not received an answer to an email you sent someone, it can lead to insomnia as you await a reply or become scared of what the reply will be.

Factors of Email Rudeness

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a lot of business shutdowns. The feelings of isolation and poor communication can cause a lot of frustration and stress, as well as communication gaps and misunderstandings. It is easy to put someone down when you cannot see their face. The consequences of rudeness can be severe in that the person receiving the rude email can have a lower engagement with work, suffer burnout, and even end up quitting their job from being too overwhelmed. 

How to Fix Email Rudeness

The key to dealing with email rudeness is to find a way to switch off. Revisiting a disturbing email or constantly checking for a reply will only make your negative mental health symptoms worse. Being able to beat this will require strong willpower. You need to be able to psychologically detach yourself from the situation. Managers also need to step up in these situations to ensure a strong work environment, even if everyone is physically separated. They need to be clear about what they expect from their employees and encourage flexibility. If they send an email on a Sunday, for example, they can make it clear that recipients do not have to reply until the next day. Chats or video conferences can also decrease email tension. By allowing yourself to detach from the emails, you can be a mentally strong employee.


Email rudeness can have negative consequences on your mental health like anxiety, depression, burnout, and more. Because we are not able to see the person’s face when they are writing the email, they can be misinterpreted, leading us to assume the worst. It can cause you to make drastic decisions like escalating the situation further or even quitting. No email is worth letting your mental health deteriorate. At Alta Loma, we understand how frustrating this time is for everyone. We are here to help you through our mental health services and job skills courses. Located in Georgetown, Texas, we can teach you what to do whenever you are going through a stressful time at work. We provide services that cater to your psychiatric needs, such as individualized therapy, life and coping skills education, therapeutic recreational activities, medication management, and more. For more information about our transformative treatment center, please call (866) 457-3843 today.